Afterwards, she admitted to Wang Lei, "Wang Jun, you are right. Today’s army is unreliable."
Dally at 2: 30 in the morning at the military airport around Tokyo, dozens of planes took off reluctantly, flying to Tokyo with burning petrol bombs and thermobaric bombs. These herbivorous men were the first to "save their lives". They flew to Tokyo at a height of about two kilometers from the ground.
At this time, the ground in Tokyo area was covered with artillery fire and burned everywhere. These pilots who were forced to watch mechanical instruments at night did not dare to lower their altitude without the help of radar and navigator. Even if they threw incendiary bombs and thermobaric bombs at random, they completed the attack.
If the attack effect is as good as that, the emperor knows.
When the Tokyo-Japan pilots managed to carry out the attack, China and Beijing had long been ready for the PLA’s attack on Beijing and Wuhan, three areas with high concentration of M particles in China, but they adopted a saturated attack mode
Democracy means inefficiency. Very often, the socialist system is superior to Japan in dealing with such emergencies.
No one has taught Chinese leaders the importance of "nipping danger in the bud" and the importance of gold for 24 hours.
Before the incident, they listened to the advice from Wang Lei and Shazhi, and immediately saturated the city if there was any abnormality. The military made a detailed action plan beforehand, and after receiving an urgent report from Wang Lei for confirmation, it carried out this action purpose to the extreme.
Pilot Yi Longcheng is a bomber pilot of the Second Division stationed near the sea. The plane he flies is an old-fashioned bomber in China. In the past six years, the concentration of M particles has become higher and higher. Considering the damage to equipment, the military of all countries have to pick up the modern technology designed and equipped half a century ago to reproduce those old weapons that do not rely on equipment. This four-engine piston heavy bomber is one of the first. Even the United States has re-installed B29 and B36 production lines.
Of course, due to the progress of modern production technology and material technology, the performance of these aircraft of World War II level is much higher.
After the EMP storm broke out at 10: 00 local time that night, Yi Longcheng was flying in the cockpit, waiting for 10: 30 to enter the PLA City in advance and fired six red flares representing the first-class crisis, which represented the most serious situation.
Then the surrounding garrison lost contact with the city army, and the nearby military police and manpower drove Cinda to report to the level that they heard the city secret guns.
At this time, the situation in Shanghai is similar to that in Beijing and Wuhan.
In 1992, there were so-called "old people" who came back from the war years in China-of course, these "old people" were set by the PQ God according to the play. These people who personally rolled over from the blood and fire were very white, and they wiped out the danger in the bud. The importance of war and decision-making was far from being comparable to those politicians today
In the eyes of these people, although the situation in the three cities is still not only likely to be a "wormhole in different time planes" as predicted by Wang Lei Yarn Weaving in advance, a large number of alien creatures are flooding into the earth.
After the break with Hailian, the first reaction of the military was to immediately send reconnaissance planes to fly to Linhai at eleven o’clock on June 5. First, a large number of flares were cast to take a bright picture of the whole city, and then the reconnaissance planes in the fleet flew low over the city and took a lot of photos.
The manufacturing technology of these cameras is also quite backward to adapt to the rich environment where the concentration of M particles does not rise, and the military technology of human beings has been forced to drop for at least 40 years.
The pilot saw with the naked eye that giant monsters kept popping up on the ground, only 500 meters below the ground. These monsters saw foreign objects humming and flying in the sky, and they opened their mouths to cast magic. Red fireballs or white frozen gas flew straight over the plane and flew to the sea. One of the reconnaissance planes was hit by them, and the other one was lucky enough to escape these magic attacks and escaped back and brought back information about monsters raging in the sea area.
When the photos brought back by the plane were also developed, the military was shocked by the news brought back by the pilot because he directly proved the previous idea.
After a little discussion for more than ten minutes, they reached the instruction to cover the city with different artillery fire at the same time, and prepared the army for attack
Later, new information was sent to the command center outside the city one after another, and the photos were developed in the early morning of June 6, which further proved this point. At this time, scouts near the edge of the outbreak site fled the city desperately and reported to the headquarters the rampant situation of the monsters in the city. According to the emergency plan formulated in advance, the garrison commander and political commissar jointly made a decision to carry out carpet bombing on the sea.
Although officials have not realized the importance of giving priority to destroying trees at this time, this kind of high-density fire coverage will cause serious damage to vegetation.
At 15: 00 a.m. on June 6th, the ground crew of Yilongcheng Institute commanded the runway to slide away. At this time, the EMP storm was still raging on the earth. Although the diesel generator was able to generate electricity, it was disturbed by the strong magnetic pulse generated by high-concentration M particles. The flow pressure was extremely unstable, and the tungsten filament of the light bulb would be blown out. Before taking off, there were 100 fires from the starting points on both sides of the airport guard runway. The original manual method was used to take photos of the plane.
This is the case with Yilongcheng. Compared with the Japanese herbivorous men, China pilots hesitated at all when carrying out this dangerous order.
There is no radar to attack at night, which is a test of the pilot’s night skills.
At 30: 00 a.m., the Elon crew flew to the sea with the limited fleet.
In the first wave, 20 H-10 bombers dropped three tons of various bombs in one breath in this economic center of China.
Because the navigation lights are flying in the dark at night, the number of bombers dispatched by the military is small, and they are also scattered to fly in formations at different levels. For pilots, this flight is like blindfolding and taking a black road, which is extremely risky.
This is much braver than the Japanese herbivorous male Chinese pilot.
Tons of incendiary bombs, blasting bombs and thermobaric bombs kept falling, burning the sea into a sea of fire. When the Soviet astronauts looked down at the earth, they were surprised to see that a small bright spot finally appeared on the dark side of the earth.